Birds at HEAL Paradise You can see which birds have been seen at or around HEAL Paradise, or add a photo of your own or help identify birds for which we do not know the name or list all the photos of a particular bird. Choose an action: Show an example of each type of bird Upload a bird picture Help identify the unidentified birds List all photos of multi birds List all Ashy Prinia birds List all Ashy-crowned Sparrow Lark birds List all Asian Openbill (Asian Penbill-stork) birds List all Bay-backed Shrike birds List all Black Drongo birds List all Black Kite birds List all Black-headed Ibis (Oriental or Black-necked Ibis) birds List all Black-shouldered Kite (Black-winged kite) birds List all Black-winged Stilt birds List all Blue-tailed Bee-eater birds List all Brahminy Starling birds List all Bronzed-winged Jacana birds List all Brown Shrike birds List all Cattle Egret birds List all Citrine Wagtail birds List all Common Myna birds List all Common Rosefinch (Scarlet Rosefinch) birds List all Common Sandpiper birds List all Common Tailorbird birds List all Coot birds List all Cotton Pygmy-goose (Cotton Teal) birds List all Great White Egret (Great Egret) birds List all Greater Coucal birds List all Green Sandpiper birds List all Grey Wagtail birds List all Guinea Fowl birds List all Heron birds List all Hoopoe birds List all House Sparrow birds List all Indian House Crow birds List all Indian Pond Heron birds List all Indian Ringnecked Parakeet birds List all Indian Robin birds List all Indian Roller birds List all Indian Silverbill (White Throated Munia) birds List all Indian Spot-billed Duck birds List all Intermediate Egret birds List all Jacobin Cuckoo (Pied Cuckoo) birds List all Kestrel birds List all Kingfisher (Common or River Kingfisher) birds List all Koel (Indian Koel) birds List all Large-billed Crow birds List all Laughing Dove (Palm Dove) birds List all Lesser Adjutant birds List all Little Cormorant birds List all Little Egret birds List all Little Grebe birds List all Little-green Bee-eater birds List all Long Tailed Shrike birds List all Marsh Sandpiper birds List all Oriental Magpie Robin birds List all Oriental Turtle Dove birds List all Painted Stork birds List all Pied Kingfisher birds List all Pied Myna (Asian Pied Starling) birds List all Plain Prinia birds List all Purple Heron birds List all Purple Sunbird birds List all Red-naped Ibis birds List all Red-vented Bulbul birds List all Red-wattled Lapwing (Red-wattled Plover) birds List all Red-whiskered Bulbul birds List all Rock Dove (Common Pigeon) birds List all Rose-coloured Starling birds List all Rufous Treepie (Indian Treepie) birds List all Scaly-breasted Munia birds List all Shikra (Little-banded Goshawk) birds List all Spotted Redshank (Dusky Redshank) birds List all Swallow birds List all Tricoloured Munia birds List all White-breasted Kingfisher birds List all White-breasted Waterhen birds List all White-browed Wagtail birds List all Wooley-necked Stork birds List all Yellow Wagtail birds List all Yellow-billed Babbler birds List all Yellow-eyed Babbler birds List all Yellow-wattled Lapwing birds